Artwork Collection


Screenprints and Risography Prints




Music has been found to have a profound correlation to nostalgia, in many cases this can be a wonderful feeling as music tends to be connected to positive memories. However, becoming too attached to your nostalgic playlist can make it feel like you... More

Merry Go On and On and On…
Merry Go On and On and On…


Merry Go On and On and On…

Our sense of the passage of time and nostalgia can seem like a never-ending loop when going through a certain period in your life. Hindsight can make time seem quicker and less daunting. Carrossels, flipbooks and the movement of a horse's gallop... More

Muscle Memory
Muscle Memory


Muscle Memory

It is often said that once you learn to ride a bike you can never forget. This is true in most cases, however, there is always a split second before you get the hang of it that you are on the slight brink of falling. This piece captures our sense... More

Work by

Anoosh Mubashar


“Never Present explores various senses that trigger nostalgia by using symbolic imagery to depict being stuck in the past.”