Service Design
Beyond accessibility, towards fall prevention
Our Spatial Design Studio class published a collaborative recommendations book (shown to the right) to address falls prevention in a rehabilitation and long-term care hospital. Graphic designer Lawrence Ly created the layout. I was one of the final... More
Service Design
Chronic pain, explained
Our Systems group project visualized the wicked problem of chronic pain using systems mapping techniques (e.g. iterative inquiry, concept mapping, causal loops) to create the synthesis map shown to the right (visual design by Sylvia Szkudlarek).... More
Service Design
Circulating health information for knowledge translation
Our Studio team developed a gigamap together with clinicians to better understand the challenges of knowledge translation related to healthy lifestyles. We also created a service blueprint to illustrate our proposed solution to improving Canadians'... More
Co-design of a supportive movement/dance program with Body Brave for individuals affected by eating disorders
My colleague, Sylvia Szkuklarek and I collaborated on this project and publication in the Journal of Health Design, November 2020.
Service Design
Holistic movement for eating disorders
My colleague and I proposed The Holistic Movement Exploration program to support individuals with EDs. Our service consisted of a physical space proposal (render upper right by Sylvia Szkudlarek), movement prompt cards (example lower right by... More
Work by
Nita Lakhani
Design for Health
“As a former patient navigating the healthcare system, I know that current experiences are suboptimal and that patients and caregivers are not always invited to engage in transformational change. My...” [More]