Pumura Brain
I painted the way my autistic brain feels, with added Pumura ears and horns. Pumura is a being from my personal mythology which is a part of me and my perception of the world.
Pumura Brain Self Portrait
This work is uncovering and destigmatizing the experience of autism through celebrating how “Pumura brain” is affecting Luna Pumura’s senses of sound, sight, and body in space. The horns, ears, and wings are part of her personal mythology.
Mixed Media
Remodelled Remains
Remodelled remains are series containing wearable art as well as paintings, made with broken and discarded objects.
Work by
Luna Bloom aka. Luna Pumura
Painting / Performance
“Artistic expression is the main way I communicate who I am and my experiences to the world. The main thing I explore in my art is living with autism spectrum disorder, and how it affects the...” [More]