Amongst The Trees: A Short Film
This experimental short film, Amongst The Trees, examines humankind’s connection with nature. The film follows a female figure as she walks through a bare forest in the fall, catching a glimpse of her intimate and surreal relationship with the... More
An Ode to The Mountains
A short film dedicated to the soaring mountains and rushing rivers of British Columbia, and to the people who bring me joy in life.
Digital Media
Body of One
This series of collages are a comment towards individuality and vitality of the human body; a fluctuation between the individual and the collective.
Ethereal Presence
Through staged scenes and a touch of surrealism, a sense of contrast is evoked, both literally and metaphorically. From the organic surroundings, with long, untouched grasses and untamed foliage, to the harsh geometric manmade forms in the... More
Rouge National Urban Park
A series of photographs from a summer doccumenting the rich assembly of natural, cultural and agricultural landscapes in the Greater Toronto Area, as the 2021 recipient of Parks Canada's Career Launcher initiative.