Artwork Collection

I Miss Places That Never Existed


Sculpture installation neon text

I Miss Places That Never Existed
I Miss Places That Never Existed


I Miss Places That Never Existed

The work itself, fluid in it's form, is the text’s prolificacy as a social and emotional litany. In this large-scale installation, the aphorism asserts itself in the medium of signage and the intangible and ephemeral qualities of light. My six-word... More

I Miss Places That Never Existed (Matchbooks)
I Miss Places That Never Existed (Matchbooks)


I Miss Places That Never Existed (Matchbooks)

Matchbook variation

I Miss Places That Never Existed (Shirt)
I Miss Places That Never Existed (Shirt)


I Miss Places That Never Existed (Shirt)

T-shirt variation

Work by

Tamar Bresge

Literary Art, Performance, Sculpture/Installation, Photography

“I miss places that never existed”