Graphic Design
Teen Addiction Poster
These posers talk about addiction problem by teenagers by using specific data and quotations.
Graphic Design
Teen Addiction Billboards
This substance abuse problem needs to be taken seriously by the public. Educate teenagers to end addcition.
Graphic Design
Teen Addiction Website
TeenAddiction website contains more info about this brand. Viewers can click through the landing page and understand the harmful effects of substance uses.
Graphic Design
Teen Addiction Video
The infomercial videos are separated into 3 short ones. It starts with teen’s perspective by showing their quotes and move to the substance abuse issue. The aim is to educate teenagers to end addiction and encourage them to reach out for help if... More
Work by
Vicky Qu
“Substance abuse on alcohol & drugs become a significant problem in teenagers. Teen Addiction is an organization for the young generation to stay away from alcohol & drugs. Meanwhile, get aware of...” [More]