Components of Utopia
My painting depicts my idea of utopia and its creation process; the world I imagine as a beautiful mess. I explore the concept of continuity and uncertainty of time and space to understand how to create the future and its coexisting possibilities.... More
Components of Utopia; study
I explore visualization of the ‘Pile of past’, and I played with the description of shadow and light as if it is realistic painting, making them create coexisting conflicts.
Components of Utopia; I dreamed of a world where I am from the earth
The vulnerability and dissatisfaction arising from reality make me imagine the distant future. A world existing beyond my time of life is eternal, following the fixed concept of 'time' and being unable to see the complex relations at once. No one... More
Work by
Adriana Lee
“My paintings depict my idea of a utopian future and its creation process; the world I imagine as a beautiful mess. By exploring the contradictory concepts of continuity and uncertainty of time and...” [More]