Artwork Collection

Thesis Artwork




(Lift the glass stopper and gently waft while inhaling... stay with the sensation as the scent tenderly caresses your viscera, reverberating somewhere deep within) Processes of extraction and distillation bear fantasies of absolute stasis... More

'Till Death Do Us Part
'Till Death Do Us Part


'Till Death Do Us Part

(Gently rub a dollop of cream into your skin... feel it permeate your body as it feeds other bodies that may not be yours in the singular, but perhaps in the plural) Using queer bodily excretions and distillations of site-specific decayed and... More

Next of Kin (Will and Testament)
Next of Kin (Will and Testament)


Next of Kin (Will and Testament)

(I come from places of intimate encounters that are hidden... I am the next-of-kin that always reside in places and bodies often overlooked, whispering intimacies that fade into the background but become conditions for being) Collecting and... More

i love you (a provisional body, a provisional home)
i love you (a provisional body, a provisional home)


i love you (a provisional body, a provisional home)

(Traversing the obscene, residing in the cracks of negation and absence that is death, there shimmers forth what may be called life... not procreation, not reproduction, but a life as death that infects and animates bodies... leaking in, spilling... More

Work by

Patrick Stochmal


“Coming from places of intimate encounters that are hidden (laying beneath dirt and logs, caressing the underbellies of upturned leaves, gleaming forth from detritus that does not belong) our queer...” [More]