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Touch holds the power to communicate beyond the individual in nuanced ways. Welcoming collaboration between materials, processes and environment, I engage with every step of creation. These photographs embody an intimate dialogue between my body, mind, medium and subject. Traces of myself linger in every photograph, becoming an archive of our entangled history.

pollenol; photography; collaboration; contamination

Chimera: Queering the Myth of the One
Chimera: Queering the Myth of the One


Chimera: Queering the Myth of the One

I am drawn to analogue photography and film, revelling in the tactility of the processes and results, which force me to submit to the will of the material. Each creation is a hybridization between the internal and the external, human and non-human,... More

The Becoming
The Becoming


The Becoming

I am drawn to analogue photography and film, revelling in the tactility of the processes and results, which force me to submit to the will of the material. This film is a hybridization between the internal and the external, human and... More

Work by

Karly McCloskey

Videography, Editing, Cinematography, Photography, Animation