Artwork Collection

01) For Jurying Consideration

Hello, Welcome to my Jury Submission. Down below is my reel and artist statement. Enjoy!

Integrated Media Jury 2024

1) Jury Consideration | Joel Jacob Mathew
1) Jury Consideration | Joel Jacob Mathew

Integrated Media

1) Jury Consideration | Joel Jacob Mathew

Hello and Welcome to my Jury Reel. These works are created for my fourth and final year of classes here at OCAD. Enjoy! Note: The first two pieces in this reel are just excerpts, you can find all the works in full length under my collection... More

Work by

Joel Jacob Mathew

Sound Designer/Video Artist

““To create, first, we must feel. To feel, first, we must be human.” I create art to highlight personal experiences, issues and flaws, whether through the visual abstraction of absent-mindedness or...” [More]