Artwork Collection


In an exploration of the human quest to decipher the unknown, this work delves into the complexities of navigating cultural hybridity and identity through material artistry. As an individual often perceived as racially ambiguous, I attempt to unravel the densities of heritage and sense of belonging while also offloading the burden of having to explain my existence to others. There emerges a challenge in learning to appreciate something without the full comprehension of its makeup.

eco culture sculpture




In an exploration of the human quest to decipher the unknown, this work delves into the complexities of navigating cultural hybridity and identity through material artistry. As an individual often perceived as racially ambiguous, I attempt to... More

Work by

Deanna Gene


“My work explores the interconnectedness of humanity and nature, prompting reflection on environmental and cultural issues. In "Self-Inventory", I attempt to unravel the densities of heritage and...” [More]