Design Collection

GenUinE sEreNitY oF An ObStrUcTeD mInD

This collection of embroidery works invites viewers to contemplate the significance of small details in our lives, juxtaposed with a mix of Digital Futures. Each piece is a reflection of moments when as an artist I found tranquility and capturing diverse moments of serenity. Experience these artworks firsthand to immerse yourself in intricate details & emotional resonance. Each piece scanned will take the viewers to see real-life inspirations, bridging tangible & digital captured moments.

Design for Healthcare Mental Health Embroidery Mixed Reality

Gloomy View
Gloomy View

Mixed Media

Gloomy View

Downtown Gloomy View

Quebec City
Quebec City

Mixed Media

Quebec City

A filming location in Quebec City from my favourite K-Drama called Goblin

Sunny Snowy CN
Sunny Snowy CN

Mixed Media

Sunny Snowy CN

View of the CN Tower from 113McCaul street.


Mixed Media


A visit to an Aquarium.


Mixed Media


My pet named Dollar who brought pure happiness with loud breath & adorable smile


Mixed Media


Staring at the whirlpool.

The Sweet Mocha
The Sweet Mocha

Mixed Media

The Sweet Mocha

My first embroidery work! Enjoying my favourite order of Mocha Frappe at Starbucks

The Pride Heart
The Pride Heart

Mixed Media

The Pride Heart

Commissioned Work.


Mixed Media


A picture of my home back in India. The picture was taken before moving to Toronto.

Work by

Tusharika Arora

Digital Futures

“For my GradEx showcase, I am proud to present my thematic exploration: "It's the small things". This collection celebrates the profound impact that seemingly minor details can have. Through my...” [More]