Artwork Collection

01 For Jurying Consideration

LOCAL Magazine is a photography-based publication consisting of 5 photoshoots, which highlight 26 small, local businesses and creatives, in collaboration with each other. The magazine aims to emphasize the importance of shopping from and supporting the local businesses in your community, through the exploration of creative fashion and editorial photography.

Photography Fashion Editorial Photography Magazine Small business

LOCAL Magazine
LOCAL Magazine


LOCAL Magazine

Emma's latest work "LOCAL Magazine" is a photography-based publication consisting of 5 photoshoots, which highlight 26 small, local businesses and creatives, in collaboration with each other. The magazine aims to emphasize the importance of... More

Work by

Emma Janosik


“Emma Janosik is a Toronto-based fashion, portrait, and editorial photographer, originally from Windsor, Ontario. She works with both digital and analogue mediums to create work which often includes...” [More]