Artwork Collection


Fill the Hands of Children with Flowers, Not Pain
Fill the Hands of Children with Flowers, Not Pain


Fill the Hands of Children with Flowers, Not Pain

"Fills the Hands of Children with Flowers, not Pain", is an oil painting on canvas. It brings to the forefront the striking disparity between the inherent innocence and joy of childhood and the harsh, violent experiences faced by Palestinian... More

Dignity of a People in the Face of Oppression
Dignity of a People in the Face of Oppression


Dignity of a People in the Face of Oppression

The piece serves as a profound testament to the spirit of resistance demonstrated by individuals confronting the brutality of a tyrannical regime. The canvas is imbued with a variety of symbolic motifs that collectively offer a powerful chorus of... More

The Martyr
The Martyr


The Martyr

The city and its land serve as a living memorial, a rich history book whose walls are the pages on which its story is written. Artists, akin to historians, etch the essence of the people and events that have shaped the land, capturing the spirits... More

The Women of Lotus
The Women of Lotus


The Women of Lotus

This piece was crafted with a lighter touch, a hopeful contrast to the rest of the series. The lotus flower, symbolizing rebirth and creation to Egyptians, rises from darkness into beauty. This painting depicts a woman adorned with traditional... More

A Mesh of Stories
A Mesh of Stories


A Mesh of Stories

I've read countless stories from many people during my research, and what I've discovered is that we all share collective truths, despite the differences in our lived experiences. This piece is an abstraction of these various stories, all... More

Work by

Talla El Senoussi

Drawing and Painting

“I have a paintbrush for a megaphone. In light of the current political climate in the Middle East, my work has evolved from highlighting the beauty and nuances of my Egyptian identity and culture to...” [More]