Artwork Collection

In Other Worlds

Animation and images made from everyday household materials, mostly liquids.

01 In Other Worlds
01 In Other Worlds


01 In Other Worlds

Experimental animation created with ordinary household objects and materials.

02 Leto Cluster 13
02 Leto Cluster 13


02 Leto Cluster 13

Small, floating bubbles (made from oil, water and food colouring) have a tendency to move towards bigger bubbles. It's as though they are running to their mother.

03 Mercurius
03 Mercurius


03 Mercurius

Oil, water and dish soap sitting in a glass bowl over an IKEA candle holder and a battery-powered tea light.

04 Euler's Terra
04 Euler's Terra


04 Euler's Terra

Close looking at glycerin, water, food colouring, ink and baby oil.

05 Chasing Sprites
05 Chasing Sprites


05 Chasing Sprites

Otherworldly video and audio of water droplets and sunlight, on the glass pane of my front door, captured in slow motion.

Work by

Sandra Pascuzzi

Multidisciplinary Artist

“Finding wonder in the ordinary things around me.”