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Charlotte May Pierstorff
Charlotte May Pierstorff


Charlotte May Pierstorff

In 1914, 5-year-old Charlotte May Pierstorff, from Grangeville, Idaho was mailed to her grandparents home for only 53 cents. Stamps were glued to her back and a label was attached to her coat. She travelled by train accompanied by a family member... More

Dogs Attack
Dogs Attack


Dogs Attack

Each year, 500 postal workers are bitten by dogs each year.

Hope Diamond
Hope Diamond


Hope Diamond

The hope diamond was delivered by mail to the Smithsonian Institution in 1958 by local letter carrier James G. Todd. Postage for the package was only $2.44.

Richard Lee Mcnair
Richard Lee Mcnair


Richard Lee Mcnair

In 2006, prisoner Richard Lee Mcnair successfully mailed himself out of prison by hiding in a mailbag. He remained free for a year and a half.

The Smallest Post Office
The Smallest Post Office


The Smallest Post Office

The smallest post office is located in Ochopee, Florida.

Work by

Maryanne Cantar


“Snail Mail is a series of illustrations depicting interesting facts about mail around the world.”