“After the Last Frontiers: My work addresses issues of identity, displacement, and memory. Identity and memory are interwoven with place through political and cultural boundaries. As a descendant of a dispossessed family, my visual narratives are informed by childhood memories, family anecdotes, and historical and geographical references. My narrative-based work serves as a public pedagogy to draw attention to colonial violence. It aims to raise critical consciousness and awareness to global social and political acts of oppression. My work aspires to challenge the dominant discourses of knowledge and the hegemonic narrative that are controlled and distributed by imperialistic systems through colonial pedagogical apparatus and mainstream media. ”

Huda Salha is a Palestinian-Canadian multidisciplinary artist. She works with a variety of media including painting, sculpture, installation and video art. Salha has participated in a large number of art exhibitions, regionally and internationally. Her work explores the historical, cultural and psychological sense of place. She is interested in the way identity and memory are interwoven with place through political and cultural boundaries. Salha is a PhD student at UofT. She holds an MFA in Interdisciplinary Art Media and Design from OCAD University, a BFA Honors from York University, Toronto, a BA in English Literature from Gaza, in addition to diploma in studio art from Athens School of Fine Arts. She worked as an art instructor, mural painter and designer. Her artworks were published in online galleries as well as several, magazines, newspapers, art books such as in The Big Art Book published by Scarborough Arts Council (SAC), 2017 & 2020. Salha received numerous awards, the most recent are a global award from Britain for political and social change, the “Forget me Not” award of Excellence from the Art Guild of Scarborough (AGS), and Honorable Mention- SAC’s 34th Annual Juried Exhibition. Her short film was screened in TIFF Bell lightbox, 2019. She is a member of SAC, AGS, and the Research Ethic Board of OCADU.
University of Toronto
PhD- Adult Education and Community Development
Major In progress
MFA-Master Interdisciplinary Art Media and Design
Major Completed, 2020
OCAD U - Graduate Studies
Interdisciplinary Master's in Art, Media and Design (MA, MDes and MFA)
Major Completed, 2020
York University
BFA Honors
Major Completed, 2017
George Brown
Minor Completed, 2008
Athens School of Fine Arts
Studio Art
Major Completed, 2004
Islamic University of Gaza (IUG)
BA in English Literature
Major Completed, 1997
Painter and Sculptor Educator Art Facilitator Designer
2020, International Film Festival, It's a Mater of a Phone Call film screening
2019, Art Guild of Scarborough’s juried Fall Show
2019, “Introspection”- Scarborough Arts’ 34th Annual Juried Exhibition.
Cedar Ridge Creative Centre, Toronto, ON.
2019, Red Line Artworks Gallery
Bath, Britain
2019, Toronto Palestine Film Festival (TPFF) “It’s a Matter of a Phone Call”- Film Screening on September 20th
TIFF Bell light box Toronto, ON
2019, Living with Things
Open Space gallery, Toronto, ON.
2019, Florence Contemporary
OCADU Grad. Gallery
2018, “Co-”
Graduate Gallery, OCADU, Toronto, ON.
2018, “Equity Through Emergence” Juried exhibition
Cedar Ridge Creative Centre, Toronto, ON.
2017, “Under the Sky” Solo Exhibition
Gales gallery, Toronto, ON
2017, The Precious Land”
Gallery 1313, Toronto, ON
2017, History + Art = Peace Art Exhibition
Metro Hall Rotunda, Toronto, ON.
2017, The Song of Stone” curated exhibition
YMCA and Palestinian Ministry of Culture, Gaza, Palestine.
2017, “Something Different” Juried exhibition and Big Art Book.
Cedar Ridge Creative Centre, Toronto, ON
2017, “The Human Condition Revealed”
Neighborhood Gallery, Toronto, ON.
2017, “Ne Touch Pas”
YorkU, Toronto, ON.
2016, Open House Exhibition
YorkU, Toronto, ON.
2016, “Pi.lot”
Project Gallery, Toronto, ON.
2014, The Anti-Racism Exhibition
Athens, Greece
2013, Open House Exhibitions, 2013-2017
York University, Toronto, ON.
2007, Art on the Main
Newmarket, ON
2004, Graduate Exhibitions
Athens School of Fine Arts
2002, Resurrection-Solo Exhibition.
The French Cultural Centre, Gaza, Palestine,
2002, Al Thawra Art Exhibition
Bagdad, Iraq.
2001, The Arab Art Exhibition, in support of the Intifada “Ma’Kom”,
Ahmed Shawki Museum, Cairo, Egypt.
2001, “Sanakoun” Exhibition
The Palestine Red Crescent, Gaza, Palestine.
2000, Harvest of September Exhibition
Village of Arts & Crafts, Gaza, Palestine.
2000, Summer Academy September Art Exhibition
Abdel Hamid Shoman Summer Art Academy, Amman, Jordan.
2000, The First of January Exhibition
Governorate of Gaza, Gaza, Palestine.
2019, The “Forget me Not” Award of Excellence
The Art Guild of Scarborough
2019, a special merit
Art Guild of Scarborough
2019, Global award- Art for Social and Political Change
Red Line Artworks. Bath, UK
2019, Honorable Mention
Scarborough Arts’ 34th Annual Juried Exhibition
2000, Artistic Contribution
Palestinian Ministry of Culture and Sa’eed Al-Mishal Organization
1999, First Prize in a Visual Art
Palestinian Ministry of Culture