My practice is comprised of mixed-media sculptures and installations that are visceral inventories of data that house my intimate memories of romantic trauma, splaying them openly in a robust visual articulation of reflection and questioning these experiences. Constructions from building materials such as found objects, expanding foam, glass, nails, hair, and stuffed nylons are bonded together to create fleshy, bodily forms, a series of sculptural transcendent effigies of unstable romantic kinship. These forms that I build represent a visual push and pull between the sweet and vicious nature of romantic love. By re-articulating found objects of cherubs, which represent innocence and kindness at first glance, as well as the sweet side of romance, I add visual and symbolic layers by applying expanding foam which then dries, allowing me to insert nails and glass into the surface. The result is an ominous visceral ooze, that engulfs the cherub, suffocating it and morphing the sacred and the profane into one of monstrosity and gore. The foam represents a protective barrier that symbolizes the act of insulating oneself against future harm. Nails and glass protrude out from the fleshy constructs which defend and resist outward threats. The duality between the harshness of the glass and nails combined with the corpulent foam results in work that depicts the mental struggle between the tenderness that is required to love someone new while also coping with the anger and pain resulting from past trauma.