

3D Animation

“In this 3D animation, while exploring the surface of mars, an astronaut stumbles upon the remains of his 2 predecessors, both of which have returned to earth months before. This forces him to venture out into the alien landscape to discover who, or what, had come back in their place - at the end realizing the he himself may be the person who landed on the surface. This story explores surreal horror through the fear of the unknown, as well as our fear of insignificance as both people and species.

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Sonya is a 3D artist based in Toronto, Canada. She has a passion for everything 3D, but specializes in environmental modeling, lighting and compositing. She currently works as an animator for video games.
OCAD U - Faculty of Art
Integrated Media: Digital Painting and Expanded Animation
Major In progress, 2021

3D Modelling, Animation, Compositing

2020, OCAD U Live Digital Video Stream
2018, Water Advisory Group Exhibition
Loop Gallery