

Publications, Photography and Illustration.

“I am Chinese, but I’ve never been “home” and I don’t know what it means to be home since I’ve only known my life in Canada. I’ve always felt insecure of my lack of Chinese identity, and wished I was a better Chinese person. ”

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Loraine Luong is a Chinese-Canadian multi-disciplinary artist from Toronto, she specializes in publications, photography and digital illustration. The concepts of her work reflect her Chinese-Canadian experience and the idea of cultural dysphoria, a feeling of identity displacement caused by cross-cultural backgrounds.As a Publication major, Loraine has experience printing and publishing, and has contributed to various publications such as zines, books and editorials. She is team-oriented and enjoys collaborative work, but also respects working independently. Loraine is well-versed in Adobe Creative Suite and especially excels in Photoshop. She loves illustrating and photo retouching.
OCAD U - Faculty of Art
Cross-Disciplinary Art: Publications
Major Completed, 2021
OCAD U - Faculty of Art
Minor Completed, 2021

Adobe Creative Suite Digital Illustration Digital Photography Photo Retouching Publications & Publishing Bookbinding

2020, INTAC: Plug in (s)objects, Bring a Plant Around with You for a Week.
Virtual 3D Gallery
2020, INTAC: Plug in (s)objects, Knees.
Virtual 3D Gallery
2019, Andre Beaulieu Bursary for Young Visual Artists
OCAD University
2017, Ernie & Rivette Herzing Bursary
OCAD University