Faculty of Arts & Science

Indigenous Visual Culture



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Kaya Joan is a multi-disciplinary Afro-Indigenous artist living in T’karonto, Dish with One Spoon treaty territory. Kaya’s work focuses on healing, transcending linear notions of time, blood memory and aesthetics rooted in imagery from the lands of their ancestors (Turtle Island and the Caribbean). Black and Indigenous futurity are also centred in Kaya’s practice, framing methods of making as ancestral tools to unpack and transform buried truths, opening portals 7 generations into the past and future. Kaya has been working in community arts for 5 years as a facilitator and artist. They are a core member of Weave and Mend, an Indigenous femme/non binary collective.
OCAD U - Faculty of Arts & Science
Indigenous Visual Culture
Minor Completed, 2020
OCAD U - Faculty of Design
Minor Transferred

Arts Facilitation Digital Illustration Community Arts

2020, Starseed
Durham Art Gallery (Digital)
2020, ROOTS
2020, Part Three
Xpace Cultural Centre
2019, Black Richness the Untapped Potential of Our Ancestry
2019, Between Ice and Earth
Xpace Cultural Centre
2019, BIPOC Art Gallery
SC Johnson Building (SCJ) Wilfrid Laurier University
2019, Shapeshifters
Beaver Hall
2019, Harvest Celebration
Artscape Youngplace
2019, I Keep My Heart Wrapped in Leather
Gallery 1313
2018, Flux Refusal
OCAD U Indigenous Student Centre
2018, Dreams
187 Augusta
2017, Terra Ingcognita
Artscape Daniels Spectrum
2017, Arrive
OCAD U Indigenous Student Centre
2017, Anytime Anywhere
442 Dufferin
2020, Indigenous Visual Culture Medal
OCAD University