Auto-Ethno-Graphic-Novelist, Professional Transsexual and Cartoonist
“Super powered trans women are busting through the walls. At first their demolitions of cis-supremacist structures was purely accidental. But then they got off on it. Watch out world, Abominatrix and Cherry Hulk are here to smash the patriarchy and eat your pizza. ”

Morgan Sea is an outrageously creative individual, an amazing cartoonist, performance artist, and highlight of the IAMD program. Her work creating OCADu's first fully illustrated master's thesis is groundbreaking. The foundation of the grad studies building needed serious repairs.
Totally Real Learning Place
Pataphysics and Hole Digging
Minor In progress
OCAD U - Graduate Studies
Interdisciplinary Master's in Art, Media and Design (MA, MDes and MFA)
Major Completed, 2020
Concordia University
Intermedia Cyber-Art
Major Completed, 2010
Alberta College of Art + Design
Media Arts Digital Technologies
Major Transferred, 2007
Trans Literature Cartooning, Comic Illustration Performative Arts Practice Auto-Ethnography and Performative Research
2017, Course Credit
OCADu Graduate Gallery
2020, Miss Blue Ribbon
Charlie Horse Avoidance Committee