Jessica Prust
Oneiric III
handmade felt
The fabrication and the composition of this large felt speak to a not-quite-remembering, the coming into focus of a multilayer dream where several moments suspend and simultaneously associate. To that end the design is maximal in its tightly cropped subject, ambiguity of place and perspective, hazed line, and overlay of flat images floating in space, fading in and out over one another. The Romantic horse is referenced and reproduced in surreality. Mingling of fibres in discordant colours also also suggest suspense or uneasiness. The horse appears secure and undeterred, but the confusion of its setting hints at some dissonance prompting possible intervention.
Work by
Jessica Prust
“When a dream repeats, we tend to ask after its meaning. The suspenseful crux of my recurring dream is the vision of a horse out of place. The specific symbol of the horse, in dreams and in art,...” [More]