Ziying Fan

LinkReal - A Social Entertaining Service

Industrial Design
Unity 3D, MS Kinect
LinkReal is a service that aims to provide a fun and immersive socializing experience to users

“I am asking myself, is it possible to create something that combines social elements and game experiences? For many reasons, we are separated from our family, friends, and colleagues. The existing online communicating platforms just can not provide a communication service that is as good as physical chatting. As a designer, I want to see if I can develop something that can solve this problem.After 8 months of researching, brainstorming and prototyping, I am proudly presenting my design. LinkReal, an online social entertaining service."We are not able to stay in the same place, but we can connect and play like we are!"”

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LinkReal - A Social Entertaining Service
LinkReal - A Social Entertaining Service
LinkReal - The digital world
LinkReal - The digital world
LinkReal - User scenario
LinkReal - User scenario
2021, GradEx 106
OCAD University

Work by

Ziying Fan aka. Milk

“Fun is what I am after, designing interesting game/entertaining experience is my lifetime business :D”