Serena Selvaggi
Nature's Body
Oil on canvas
24 in. x 36 in.
Title: Nature’s BodyArtist: Serena SelvaggiMaterial: Oil on canvasSize: 24 in. x 36 in. (x3)
“In my work titled Nature’s Body, my inspiration focuses on the stress hormones attacking healthy cells in the human body presented as plant cells being attacked by fungi cells. Long-term stress presents as physical illnesses in the body similar to fungi cells presenting as mold in plants. As I am constantly holding high levels of stress in my own body, I am prone to physical illnesses in the future. I chose to use plants and fungi as a representation of stress hormones and human cells as the fungi and stress hormones break down the membranes of human and plant cells to weaken them. Stress and fungi are silent killers as fungi travels through air and stress is held in the body which cannot be seen until damage is already caused. I also find comfort in plants knowing that other life forms share a version of human experiences, in this case being illnesses. I wanted to have both chaotic and relaxed spaces throughout each piece to translate as a need for balance in both our surroundings and body to reduce overwhelming stress. I chose to create paintings using a variety of earth-toned oil paints on canvas as a way to relieve my stress in my body. The action of painting is a healing and meditative technique for my body to slow down and focus. I invite the viewer to take a moment to be present and relieve the stress they carry to quiet their mind.”