Ashley Mozo
Consumerism As Resource Depletion
Digital Illustration (Photoshop)
Topic: Resource Depletion & Overconsumption Common Human Activity/Object: Consumerism Synthesis: Reimagined as currency inside a wallet. The natural resources are being spent and used for human consumption due to their increasing demand. Notes: The images depict the act of the exchange, where the viewer’s perspective is placed upon the consumer who no longer possesses a sufficient amount of resources in the form of money. They are giving away the natural resources and are left with unusable dry land, while the other figure is taking the good land and converting it into human use.
“Natural resources are being spent faster than they are replenished, and will eventually cease to exist. ”
Work by
Ashley Mozo
“"The Everyday" illustrates the repercussions of human activity and its impacts on the environment. It visualizes the destruction of the natural world synthesized with everyday objects to amplify the...” [More]