Mazin Chabayta
LD1200 - Hex
Repurposed Electronics, repurposed wood, Teensy
14.5 in x 38 in
LD1200 is an electronic percussion instrument that can be customized to the user’s preference. The deviceis made from reused materials and parts like wood, speakers, and amplifier, in addition to a “Teensy”microcontroller. The result is a programmable electronic drum with a natural look and feel of an acousticdrum. The concept of this device was to create a musical instrument that utilizes a very common item found inelectronic waste: portable speakers. In addition to that, LD1200 is designed to be a standalone electronic musical instrument that does not require external speakers or computers to operate. The goal of these objects is to inspire others and activate the maker in them. So, along with the device, an instructions manual will be shared in order to show people how this device was created, the parts needed and the knowledge behind making it.
“We can no longer afford to be complicit users, herded by manufacturers to want and pursue products that serve them. From this moment on, we need to take control of our relationship with our devices and break the cycle that keeps the systems of power in place and our resources in waste. It is time to redefine words that forge a construct where we are waste makers, mere users or technologically illiterate. Let us liberate our objects from this vicious cycle. We have to stand as evidence against these false realities. We are makers, from a responsibly sourced home-cooked meal, to the morally grounded open software, we are all makers and we are all in this together. We cannot continue to exploit natural resources, our making must be committed, first and foremost, to the resources already at hand and devoted to serving our communities and our planet. Our voices must come together for this tactic to propel us towards a better, more humane future. It is time for the makers to stand.”