Sungeun Cho

Duh Squad

Digital work
"Duh Squad" is a story that depicts the adventures of a group of childhood friends based on their friendship. They have known each other since they were young and formed a group called "The Squad", but in reality, other children would make fun of them and call them "Duh Squad" with silly expressions. During the holidays, they visited an amusement park and faced various challenges, but together they can do many things. By demonstrating teamwork, they could solve problem and come back to normal life.As we get older, friendship begins to fade, and this artist feels a sense of sadness about this natural progression of life. This work is created to express the most childlike and innocent emotions and simplicity that we can only feel during their school days. Only joyful and happy emotions is reaching you through this story.

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Duh Squad
Duh Squad
Duh Squad
Duh Squad
Duh Squad
Duh Squad
Duh Squad
Duh Squad
Duh Squad
Duh Squad
Duh Squad
Duh Squad
Duh Squad
Duh Squad
Duh Squad
Duh Squad
2023, Gradex 108

Work by

Sungeun Cho

“Sungeun Cho is a Toronto based concept artist. She studied Integrated Media and Expanded Animation in OCAD University as major and Illustration as minor with the specialization in digital work,...” [More]