Anna Xiaoyin Luo

NüWa (Mother)

Screen print
200 × 310 mm
I tend to focus on cosmology and mythology's relationship between humanities and surroundings. My work inspires by the book Classic of Mountains and Seas, a classic Chinese text and a compilation of myth, geography, and beasts. The figure presents here is Nüwa, and she is the mother goddess (figure of mother earth) in Chinese mythology. She is also called the "Snake Goddess" credited with creating humankind and repairing the Pillar of Heaven. For the past few years, I have observed a strong linkage between this book and the reality that we live in; fairies, josses, and demons are not just something that comes from the myth; they are all around us.

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NüWa (Mother)
NüWa (Mother)

Work by

Anna Xiaoyin Luo

Printmaking and Papermaking