Sophia Kyungwon Kim

Regeneration - Unnoticed Existence Series IV

Ballpoint pen on paper
In this series of works, I express the respect for nature's network and subtle presence that cannot be noticed by human senses, representing the maternal body in an organic collection of lines in which their fierce and lasting lives are depicted. To convey mothers' existence and difficulties in self-realization, which are difficult to be admired or be respected in this society, I intentionally blended them into the background so that they cannot be seen well by applying the abstract and representational aspects simultaneously.

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Regeneration - Unnoticed Existence Series
Regeneration - Unnoticed Existence Series

Work by

Sophia Kyungwon Kim

Drawing and Painting

“As a heterosexual feminist full of maternal instinct who is struggling to find my place between the art spirit and patriarchal capitalistic reality, I consider where women can stand when motherhood...” [More]