Alefiya Hassonjee

What's Going On With Billy Chole?

00:01:10 [hh:mm:ss]
Stop Motion Animation

“This dark comedy follows linear time and leaves the audience with a vague sense of “what just happened?” Created during the pandemic, this story is about mental illness and feeding your insecurities until they eventually blow up in your face, quite literally! These thoughts and feelings are manifested in the form of these worm-like creatures that like to creep in as they please. The use of charcoal creates a sense of eeriness, and the roughness speaks to the intensity of the meaning, creating layers beneath a single stroke. ”

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What's Going On With Billy Chole?
What's Going On With Billy Chole?
2019, What's Going On With Billy Chole?
Ocad University

Work by

Alefiya Hassonjee

Animation and Painting

“Welcome to Conceptual Abstract Art! View animations relating to mental health surrounding the themes of social norms, isolation, and self-preservation. Capstone - 'Colour Me Perfect' ”