Fatima Raza

Installation Mixed Media Sculptural Series "Biodiversity"

Mixed Media
Mixed Media
This is a photo of Biodiversity Mixed Media Installation #1 when it was in the process of being created. It informs my thesis Installation artworks in progress.

“In response to “declining biodiversity”, my installation gives cataloged visuals to various species, habitats, and ecosystems as a method of conservation. Re-purposing archived images and the abundance of disposable ready-made animal figurines, I curate a kaleidoscope of images and forms. Using mixed media sculptures, prints, drawings, paintings, and shadow projections.”

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2021, DRPT THESIS WORKS 2020-2021 Under Construction
OCAD University

Work by

Fatima Raza aka. Reza/Raza

Fine Arts

“In response to “declining biodiversity”, my installation gives catalogued visuals to various species, habitats, and ecosystems as a method of conservation. Re-purposing archived images and the...” [More]