Jaclyn Flomen


Industrial Design
XD, Ethnography, Wireframing, Prototyping, User Testing, Journey Mapping, Empathy Mapping, Personas, Secondary Research, Photoshop
Rabbit offers Instagram a unique opportunity to collect quantifiable emotional data. Not only helping Instagram curate ad spaces that meet users' emotional needs but also provides a pool of data for Instagram to better train its algorithms to recognize users' changing moods. Rabbit in turn, provides users an opportunity to design their algorithms by having more mindful interactions within Instagram and the newly growing Metaverse. For more info, please check out my Process Book, App Demo, and Video Pitch linked below.

“Rabbit was born from the question, why do I want a boob job? I am a 21-year-old female with small breasts. I have always been teased and made fun of for looking like a little boy. I would get called Itty Bitty Titty or flat chest, but it never truly became a problem until the pandemic came around and my social life fell to zero. So I did what most young adults did over the pandemic, I used Instagram as a digital pacifier to cope. At first, it was fun, I loved the entertainment and funny memes, but then something started to change. I couldn’t wake up without checking Instagram or even go to bed without a midnight scroll. I was hooked on the instant dopamine rush. However, the satisfaction of a good time soon became a gamble. The longer I spent on Instagram. My feed began to shift to primarily show influences, perfect bodies, and fashion primarily. Only now, reflecting back on the situation, can I acknowledge the big emotions I felt towards my body during this time. I strongly believe that therapy is a great outlet for coming to terms with these feelings, but just like self-care, media education needs to be practiced habitually to have a successful influence on your life. Reflection and Education are the most important tools we have, yet media literacy is not mandatory in most Canadian high schools. Current curriculums are stagnant on digital media and barely touch on social media, let alone virtual media yet to be defined in web 3.0. Even though media literacy is a proven safeguard for individuals on social media, it still remains stagnant.For my thesis, I aspired to reimagine the future of media literacy by providing habitual movements for social media literacy on Instagram for young adults like myself that have been negatively affected by social media and still use it. Reflect with Rabbit. ”

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How might we question
How might we question
Value Proposition
Value Proposition

Work by

Jaclyn Flomen aka. Jflodesign

Industrial Design

“In this project, I explore a future where users have autonomy over their algorithms, where emotions and moments for collective pause allow one's selves to connect back to our bodies....” [More]