Karli Ferriolo

We Must Write A Better Ending: Using Strategic Foresight in Social Movement Organizing

Now, more than ever, social movements are organized with increased urgency to create societies that are more equitable, just, and sustainable. Arguably, social movements cannot change societies without envisioning new future societies that are more desirable. This research explores the intersection of social movements and futures studies to understand how social movements might use strategic foresight to re-frame and transform social, economic, and environmental challenges. A critical examination of existing literature, along with a convergence map, highlights possible relationships between social movements and futures studies. A popular media scan is used to examine current climate justice movements in North America. This research contributes to a growing field of inquiry related to social movements and futures studies. It offers a new perspective on the use of strategic foresight in social movement organizing. Areas for further research include testing the ideas with social movement organizers and futures studies professionals.

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We Must Write A Better Ending: Using Strategic Foresight in Social Movement Organizing
We Must Write A Better Ending: Using Strategic Foresight in Social Movement Organizing

Work by

Karli Ferriolo