Xingzhu Chen

Touch and Roll it (Hand piece)

Sterling silver, 10mm corundum
My thesis work explored touch and emotion. I created a series of jewellery that release stress. In daily life, we all have some moments that feel anxious. Touch is a way to adjust our emotions. When an object feels cold to touch, we are more likely to experience it as metal than wood. Silver and gemstones are both cold materials, and Silver gives a sense of coldness visually than other metal colours. My jewellery chooses silver as the base, and wearers can turn the gem ball 360 degrees to achieve the same function as the fidget toy.

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Touch and Roll it (Hand piece)
Touch and Roll it (Hand piece)
Touch and Roll it (Hand piece)
Touch and Roll it (Hand piece)
Touch and Roll it (Hand piece)
Touch and Roll it (Hand piece)
Touch and Roll it (Hand piece)
Touch and Roll it (Hand piece)

Work by

Xingzhu Chen


“The interaction between jewellery and people is significant. I want my pieces to trigger and document this process.”