Chelsea Smith

In the Dark of the Night Into the Woods We go

handmade natural pigments and beeswax encaustics on wood
"In the Dark of the Night Into the Woods We Go" was one of the first paintings in the 'All My Relations' series that really spoke to me. I used charcoal from my grandmothers fireplace that I hand ground and processed myself bringing me to a feeling of closeness with her despite being kilometres apart at the time. I used beeswax local to my hometown in Northern Ontario as the binder, all materials used were ones found within my homeplace. Titles are lines from a piece I wrote while creating the 'All My Relations' series.

“The notions of my homeplace, family, and my family’s heritage with a core concept of “all my relations” are the driving forces in my work. Through the use of natural materials such as rocks and soil from my homeplace I am rediscovering and strengthening my connections to ancestors and land. ”

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In the Dark of the Night Into the Woods We go
In the Dark of the Night Into the Woods We go
2020, Social Distance Gallery
2020, OCAD U and Propeller Gallery presents Class of 2020 Grad Ex 105: Drawing & Painting Show
Propeller Gallery

Work by

Chelsea Smith


“My bones remind me that I have been a part of this land before and that they have laid in this ground many times over, my knowledge and inner understanding of land feels far too great to have come...” [More]