Jie Sun

The Moon and Sixpence

This project is talking about the theme of “perspective”.

“I chose the name of the novel by W. Somerset Maugham The Moon and Sixpence as my project’s subject and title, I would like to talk about the theme of “perspective” through this set of photos, just as art history, East Asian uses a multi-point perspective for paintings, Western uses linear perspective, even in the same environment, everyone’s subjective perspective is different because differences in each of our experiences, cultural backgrounds, personalities affect our perceptions and understanding of things. Our subjective perspective is our personal, unique way of seeing and experiencing the world, just like a romantic will see the moon, a hungry person will see the bread, and a child will see the toys, this is as unique and precious as the characteristics of each of us. But we also need to recognize the limitations of our own subjective perspective and respect the perspective of others, this is how we can better understand and communicate with others.(The Moon and Sixpence tell the story of a successful stockbroker, but his heart has always longed to be an artist. He meets a painter by chance and decides to give up his job to pursue art, but he destroys his marriage and family, he finds that his art does not bring him true happiness, but loneliness and poverty.)”

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The Moon and Sixpence
The Moon and Sixpence
The Moon and Sixpence
The Moon and Sixpence
The Moon and Sixpence
The Moon and Sixpence
The Moon and Sixpence
The Moon and Sixpence
The Moon and Sixpence
The Moon and Sixpence
The Moon and Sixpence
The Moon and Sixpence
The Moon and Sixpence
The Moon and Sixpence
The Moon and Sixpence
The Moon and Sixpence
The Moon and Sixpence
The Moon and Sixpence
The Moon and Sixpence
The Moon and Sixpence
The Moon and Sixpence
The Moon and Sixpence
The Moon and Sixpence
The Moon and Sixpence

Work by

Jie Sun aka. Juliette


“Photography is the most romantic for me, it is the most real and vivid memory in the world, and the most subjective perspective and imaginary world.”