Vincy Lim

Abuse in the Medical Industry

Abuse in the medical community, in particular to marginalized communities, due to power dynamics, the closed door policy, and society’s high praise towards doctors and medical professionals as a whole. Creating a system in which patients can (if desired) anonymously talk about their doctors in a way that will not backlash on the patients. Recordings of each session to ensure evidence and accountability, which will be kept by the patient rather than the medical professionals. Ensuring that disabled people can speak out on behalf of their own disabilities to make sure that ableism is not taking place in academia and ensuring that their needs and issues are met by future medical staff. Creating conversation (such as the #doctorsaredickheads social movement created by disabled people) and helping others realize and understand that abuse can come from all sorts of places, even in the health care system.

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Abuse in the Medical Industry
Abuse in the Medical Industry

Work by

Vincy Lim aka. kiwimii


“Surviving Abuse” illustrates how to survive, recover, and aid survivors from the traumatic nature of abuse in a visually non-triggering manner to emphasize that recovery is possible and to support...” [More]