Rojna Avaei


1920 x 1080
00:00:30 [hh:mm:ss]
a rotoscope loop animation of a cat walk cycle. A collaborative project with a fellow classmate, Xandria Moreno.Rojna Avaei: responsible for fully animating, designing, and rendering the cat, adding a theme of fantasy and avatar-looking design on a baseline of a normal cat.Xandria Moreno: responsible for fully animation, rendering, and compositing the background and foreground animations, as well as compositing Rojna's animation into the final render.

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Work by

Rojna Avaei aka. Skye Cobalt


“My name is Rojna Avaei (aka Skye Cobalt) and my passion lies in creating art and animation that revolve around fantasy, epicness, and using art as a way to explore myself and how I like to view the...” [More]