Kaeti MacNeil

05 Immanence I

encaustic, oil and pigment on wood
36 in. diameter
2036 (CAD) For Sale
encaustic on wood, 36. in diameter

“It's all about the colour. Immanence is divinity manifested in the material world. Contrasted with transcendence, dissolving to become one with everything, immanence is becoming one with yourself.”

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Immanence I
Immanence I
Immanence I, Installation
Immanence I, Installation
Immanence I, Detail
Immanence I, Detail
Immanence I, Detail
Immanence I, Detail
Immanence I, Detail
Immanence I, Detail

Work by

Kaeti MacNeil

Painting & Animation

“Carasoul: a Portrait in Nth Dimensions is an animated surrealist 4K film. My work visualizes temporal, immaterial sensations as spatially material extensions of the body. Like the physical matter of...” [More]