Vincy Lim

Maids and Dolls

Pencil with digital edits
“Maids” vs “Dolls” in parental abuse situations and how to ensure well being and overall quality of life outside of abuse. (“Maids” are people who are forced to essentially become maids for the family, think Cinderella. They generally cannot leave due to the massive amount of work that they must fulfil and the sheer amount of monitoring that they receive.) (“Dolls” are people who are forced to become “pretty toys” for the family to “play with” but unlike maids have little to no knowledge on cooking/cleaning/basic living skills because such knowledge equals ability to be able to live on one’s own)Maids - Having easier access points for those living in such situations to explain their situation and need for help, without needing the time to travel or even explain their circumstances. For example, multiple buttons around schools in which one can quickly scan their own student card and press a button for help in a way that should take less than a minute of their time and create no suspicion towards the abusers due to how quick the process is. Allowing the survivor to temporarily switch out of a particular class in order to talk to a professional during the class’ duration.Dolls - Having mandatory workshops within academia that provides all with knowledge of how to cook, clean, and other basic life skills to aid youths in transitioning to adult independent living.

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Maids and Dolls
Maids and Dolls

Work by

Vincy Lim aka. kiwimii


“Surviving Abuse” illustrates how to survive, recover, and aid survivors from the traumatic nature of abuse in a visually non-triggering manner to emphasize that recovery is possible and to support...” [More]