Anna Xiaoyin Luo

Weaving "Hope"_Welcome Gift

Hand knitting with hemp paper thread
300 × 350 mm
A little reflection on Laura Kipnis’s maternal instinct: motherhood as a natural thing.

“Knitting with rough material like hemp paper thread causes a lot of pain on my hand, and during the process of knitting, I start to reflect how the society formed/influence maternal instinct, being overly fantasies, idealised and romanticised the idea of mother and child bond, especially in the Ease Asian cultural ( under the patriarchal society). And I start to question myself, what is “natural”?”

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Weaving "Hope"_Welcome Gift
Weaving "Hope"_Welcome Gift
Weaving "Hope"_Welcome Gift
Weaving "Hope"_Welcome Gift

Work by

Anna Xiaoyin Luo

Printmaking and Papermaking