Miranda Belen

Smile More!

Gouache, Digital
“Smile more!” is a phrase often thrown at women by men, and is a lot more aggravating anddisrespectful than people realize. Women do not exist to please men, and are not obligated tobe kind to them especially if these men are harassing them. This illustration puts a sarcastictake on this phrase, depicting a woman baring an irritable, aggressive “grin” of sharp teeth thatis more of a snarl than a smile toward a group of disrespectful men, proving that women“smiling” more often becomes women having to bare their fangs in order to defend themselvesfrom unwanted advances.I

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Smile More!
Smile More!

Work by

Miranda Belen aka. shiverspooky


“"Choose Your Next Words Carefully" is a series of illustrations that reclaims commonly used phrases (as well as behaviours) with sexist, gendered undertones by subverting them in order to critique...” [More]