Faculty of Design

Graphic Design

Shiva Kheirabadi

▐ Future Awaits ▐

Lino block, Relief Ink, Rice paper
9 x 6 inch
This is a colour lino reduction relief printing I did reflecting on the pandemic that the whole world is going through, and some may see their future in vaccination. At the moment there is a limited number of vaccines while there are a huge number of demands!

“This green reminds me of COVID!”

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▐  Future Awaits ▐
▐ Future Awaits ▐
▐  Future Awaits ▐
▐ Future Awaits ▐

Work by

Shiva Kheirabadi

┃Multidisciplinary Artist/Designer┃

“ ✿ My creative practice is a fusion of an idea from ART and an idea from DESIGN. ✿ ”