Raquel Lopes


Digital Media
3D Modeling - Maya
By using 3D modeling mixed with 2D images, I was able to engage with these realities that stimulate the mind while still giving off a calm mood. Creating something lulling that still feels intentionally off in certain ways was something I really enjoyed exploring in this piece.

“What does the feeling of disassociation look like to you? To me it’s like this, a place where realities merge & intertwine, something that feels almost off balanced but still welcoming to explore.It’s about the experience of floating out in space, seeing things happening in front of you but not necessarily processing them in the usual way. It adventures with what I imagine many people feel during quarantine in our current times, being around a comfortable place such as a home but in reality still feeling a sense of unease, not being able to relax because of school & work constantly surrounding them. The body disassociates to take the person out of stressful situations and this piece indulges in that thought of escapism into a peaceful space where one simply drifts. But it doesn’t end there, they are interruptions of the real world within it, glasses sit comfortably on the blanket plane as if just resting after a long day, a soft pillow invites you, then you look at the half submerged Lego piece & the tilted horizon & aren’t quite sure if you’d like to lie down”

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2020, The Thoughts are Alive
OCAD University

Work by

Raquel Lopes

“My art focuses on healing as an experience, more recently stemming from the realization of generational trauma. Through my work I explore my personal journey with self-development. I use art as a...” [More]