Andria Keen

The Time Has Come II

Mycelium, sand.
Installation variable. Figures each roughly 7"L.
In a time when our interconnectivity feels 24/7, consideration of pace is vital for self care.

“The Time Has Come II is a variable installation of two mycelium figures, a Tortoise, and a Hare in a bed of sand. Though these figures echo the classic children's fable about work ethics, the state of the Hare steers the conversation towards ethics of self care regarding the pace of life, and the value of rest.”

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The Time Has Come II
The Time Has Come II
The Time Has Come II
The Time Has Come II

Work by

Andria Keen

Sculpture, Painting, Installation

“Significant Insignificance, is a mixed-media body of work building narratives between materials and forms. Within these fables lies an existential desire for establishing a deep-time perspective, for...” [More]