Atharva Jadhav

Cellular Ensemble

Digital Media
A collection of dynamic real-time generative art by Atharva Jadhav. Featuring realistic cell-like behaviour.

“Cells are the tiniest organisms and we arenothing but a cluster of them working in fantasticways. They have a lot of complexities andprocesses that go on inside them that we cannotsee in our daily lives, however most of theseprocesses are the results of simple rules.The process of Cytokinesis or Cell divisionwhere, after Meiosis or Mitosis(where geneticinformation is copied or redistributed) the cellproperly divides into two identical cells is a reallya fascinating process which allows us organisms todo some wonderful things like self-healing,reproduction, etc.,Different operations are used in the reactiondiffusion algorithm to create these simulations.All of these run in real-time. The cells divide,oscillate, move about and fill space dynamically.Some of them are audio-reactive as well. If we areresults of similar algorithms in nature, should weconsider these digital cells of having a verya primitive form of life in them?”

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2022, HiveMind 2022
30 Wellington St W Unit G114, Toronto, ON M5L 1G4

Work by

Atharva Jadhav aka. AJ

New-Media Artist
