Inaccessible. Underfunded. Unappreciated. Arts education has been neglected for far too long. It may not be STEM, but it nurtures all the vital, real-world skills applicable to all subjects and yearned for by future potential employers. Hidden in the intersection of arts integration and minimal funding was the opportunity to combine core curriculum with arts subjects. Creating workshops that can seamlessly aid pre-existing curriculum while introducing arts skill building teachings. Because we’re here to aid curriculum, not change it. View my educational booklet by clicking the link below!
“I can acknowledge my privilege, being enrolled in arts programs my entire school life. But my schooling has only made me more appreciative of the learning experience and increasingly aware of the skills I owe to that learning style.But now I have the opportunity to use the skills I have gained from the arts to advocate for those less fortunate. Now more passionate than ever that all kids should have the opportunity to explore the arts, regardless of income or location. ”