Anthia Barboutsis

The Weight of Knowledge

Sterling silver
19" x 1"
The Weight of Knowledge, embodies the idea that knowledge can be a burden as much as it is a virtue; a blessing and a curse. This duality is captured as an Ancient Greek style crown. Normally conjuring up a strong sense of pride in the wearer, and demands of respect from the viewer, however as the saying goes: heavy is the head that wears the crown. The Weight of Knowledge, is just that, a crown that lowers the head of the wearer, forcing them to consciously counter the weight and learn to hold their head up high.

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The Weight of Knowledge
The Weight of Knowledge
The Weight of Knowledge
The Weight of Knowledge
The Weight of Knowledge
The Weight of Knowledge
The Weight of Knowledge
The Weight of Knowledge
The Weight of Knowledge
The Weight of Knowledge

Work by

Anthia Barboutsis


“My aim is to express theoretical ideas and philosophical thought through jewellery on the body. My thesis work transitions between notions of war and armour, to moments of profound self-reflection,...” [More]