Emily Staples

Forgotten In Nature

The book, Forgotten In Nature: The World of Botanical Gardens, is a product of the photographic explorations of the Royal Botanical Gardens in Burlington. Forgotten In Nature: The World of Botanical Gardens looks at the Royal Botanical Gardens development and conservation of the landscape between Hamilton and Burlington Heights. The focus is on the visual development, changes and use of the gardens expanding towards the beauty of trails and wildlife they attract.

“The book questions the differences between traditional parks, conversation areas, levels or maintenance and nature.”

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Forgotten In Nature
Forgotten In Nature
Forgotten In Nature
Forgotten In Nature
Forgotten In Nature
Forgotten In Nature
Forgotten In Nature
Forgotten In Nature
Forgotten In Nature
Forgotten In Nature
Forgotten In Nature
Forgotten In Nature
Forgotten In Nature
Forgotten In Nature

Work by

Emily Staples

Graphic Design

“Hi, I am Emily. I am a graphic designer with a focus on brand, packaging and publishing design. ”